My First Splatter Mani

I have been wanting to try out this mani forever! I have not done it sooner because my boyfriend said I had to go outside and do it, guess he is still scared from the water marbling. Well if you follow me on Twitter you know that I have been complaining about the heat here. It finally cooled off a tad here so I decided to venture outside last night and splatter! My base coat for my nails was Wet n Wild Black Creme which is my favorite black! Black Creme only requires one coat and it dries ultra shiny. The brush on my black was a little caddywhompus (haha yes I used that word!) but I trimmed it a bit and no complaints. The polishes I chose for my splatter technique were: the Sally mini my mom got me; Sally Hansen Blue Me Away; Pure Ice Wild Thing. I started off by taping my fingers so when I go to splatter my nails, it wont get all over my fingers. I placed two strips on each side of my finger and one across the bottom of my nail.

I then put a couple globs of paint on my paper that I had laid down on the patio table. I dipped my straw into the paint and directed it toward my nail and blew. As PolishAholic put it so nicely a strong fast puff of air works best. I did one hand at a time with one color at a time as well. I found that the bright green was the easiest to splatter. I wanted more of a splattered pattern and then it came to my mind to maybe use a coffee straw. So I will raid the local Walgreen's Cafe and get back to you!

Sorry for the messy cuticles some of my tape fell off. I used one coat of OPI Top Coat over the splatter.

My boyfriend or assistant as I call him now, suggested I get a painters tray that is egg shaped so I could dip the straw a bit more into the paint. I will definitely be trying all of this and reporting back.


  1. This looks awesome! Great colors! :)

  2. Oh I really like this! Such nice bright colours :)

  3. CUTE! I love the colors you used.

  4. That looks amazing!!!! I might just have to try that myself!

  5. That is so awesome ! Now i want to try it !!LOVE The colors

  6. Ooh, awesome! You know, the painter's tray is a good idea - I think I found my last one at Michael's.


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