Inspired Nails Decals Short Tutorial + Fair Pic

Well I wanted to show you this amazing pic I snapped at the Fair the other night. It's Deep Fried PB&J! And it was so amazing. It was a Uncrustable dipped in funnel cake batter and deep fried. Which sounds like heaven and it tasted like it too!

Now as promised I have a small tutorial on how to apply Inspired Nails Fusion Decals.
All the decals arrived in an envelope. Sneak peak of some of the other designs I have left to try.
Cut Decals to desired length

I filled a water bottle cap full of water and dipped my decals in the cap for about 15 seconds or until paper is soaked.
 After taking the decal out of the water place the decal face down on your finger and gently slide the paper backing off. It kind of reminded me of a temporary tattoo.

It was quite easy to place the decal. They were stronger than I thought they were and I roughed them up a bit and they still held their shape. The bits around the nails were easily peeled off when my nails were completely dry.

These were pretty cool and I could definitely say that I could have never attempted this nail art on my own. Check out Inspired Nails for many more decals and don't forget to use our exclusive coupon code for 15% Off.


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